Program Outcomes

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Graduate Program Outcomes and Purposes:

  1. Prepare caring and competent advanced practice nurses who espouse holistic perspectives
    • Who provide dynamic leadership in patient care, education and or leadership and administration for an ever changing health care delivery system
    • Who function as strategic change agents and creative problem solvers in a challenging profession and health care environment.
  2. Provide a foundation for doctoral study and life-long learning
  3. Emphasize ethical practice and service as an integral part of living.

Student Outcomes

Each year, faculty evaluate the student outcomes of each program.  This includes:

  • Program Completion Rates
    • Benchmark >70% 
    • Actual 2022-2023:  90%
  • Certification Pass Rates – > 80%
  • Employment Rates of Graduates
    • Benchmark > 70%
    • Actual 2022-2023:  100% of students employed
  • Student Satisfaction with the overall learning as exhibited in course evaluations and survey completed at graduation via a national benchmarking survey
    • Benchmark:  ≥5.5 on a 7.0 scale
    • Actual 2022-2023:  6.5
  • Student attainment of Program Outcomes through evaluation of assignments: Met
  • Student Satisfaction with Support Services (ITS, Learning Center and Library)
    • Benchmark:  ≥5.5 on a 7.0 scale
    • Actual 2022-2023:  Met

Student Program Learning Outcomes are measured by annually evaluating

  • Student performance on assignments that demonstrate that they meet the program specific student learning outcomes, 
  • national benchmarking data or standardized exams (when available) and 
  • the students perceptions of meeting the standards through  an anonymous survey (SkyFactor) and individual course evaluations

Graduate Program Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Integrates, translates, and applies nursing knowledge, ways of knowing and knowledge from other disciplines to distinguish the profession of nursing and form a basis for clinical judgment and innovation in nursing practice.
  2. Leads and ensures developmentally appropriate whole person, evidence-based care that is respectful, compassionate and recognizes preferences, values, diverse needs, and resources through patient centered team-based care that is informed by a Christian worldview acknowledging that the patient is the full partner and the source of control in team-based care.
  3. Leads and engages in partnership with the interprofessional team and community resources to support and improve equitable, positive population health outcomes locally, regionally, and globally.
  4.  Synthesizes, translates, applies, and disseminates research and evidence with the goal to improve care outcomes and transform health care. 
  5. Leads, designs, and provides safe, effective, equitable, whole person care practices utilizing safety and quality principles to promote positive, health outcomes and a safe work environment.
  6. Intentionally works together across professions and with care team members, patients, families, and communities to optimize care, enhance the healthcare experience, improve outcomes and reduce costs.
  7. Effectively responds to and leads within complex healthcare systems, considers current trends and resources, and addresses complex healthcare problems in order to ensure safe, quality care across healthcare settings. 
  8. Identifies best evidence and practices for the application of information and communication technologies to manage and improve the delivery of health care services in accordance with best practices, professional and regulatory standards.
  9. Exemplifies accountability and integrity to cultivate the professional nursing identity that reflects nursing characteristics and values within the context a Christian worldview. Demonstrate an ethical comportment in one’s practice reflective of nursing’s mission to society.
  10. Promotes and participates in activities that foster holistic well-being, resilience, lifelong learning, and the acquisition of nursing expertise and leadership skills.

Philosophy and Mission Statement

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